Are You ready to Embrace your Inner Goddess?

Are You ready to Embrace your Inner Goddess?

Are You ready to Embrace your Inner Goddess? Are you ready to step into your power? We are capable of so much, yet we hold back on expressing our thoughts, using our gifts and shining our divine light, because we are afraid of being different, being ridiculed, judged....

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Afraid to be you?

Afraid to be you?

So many of my clients come to me not knowing who they are, over the years they have tried to conform to what people expect them to be; a wife, mother, sister, colleague, father, brother, friend, society in general, etc and have lost their true self. By trying to be...

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Fear of Change

Fear of Change

As we look around us at the beginning of autumn in the northern hemisphere we see so much beauty as nature adapts to another season change. The trees are so beautiful as their leaves change to a myriad of colour before they fall and leave the trees bare for winter....

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The trying to fit in Syndrome

The trying to fit in Syndrome

What does freedom mean to you? We all know the opposite, right: The fear of being left out, Trying to conform, Following the pack.  Playing small, Keeping quiet  Ignoring your inner voice and intuition,  Putting off your dreams,  Being there for everyone else.  Trying...

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Dear body, what do you need?

Dear body, what do you need?

You know those times when things are just not gelling, nothing seems to make sense and you just want to scream and vent. We all times like this and recently I had a few days that drove me to distraction. My back was hurting more than normal and I was just out of...

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Embrace Your Path

Embrace Your Path

I am sitting in the sunshine in my garden enjoying the birds singing and the warmth of the sun on my skin.  The trees offer shade and the flowers add colour and beauty. The sun and light always make us feel happier and generally better doesn’t it.   Nature has its...

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10 myths about your soul’s pathway

10 myths about your soul’s pathway

10 myths about your soul’s pathway I am not spiritual I need to be a vegetarian Only certain people can connect to their spiritual side I am not intuitive I am not religious Not everyone has a soul’s pathway. It is difficult to connect to understand and follow. You...

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