Unleash Your Inner Goddess
A day of connection, celebration and joy
Ladies do you know that you have the spirit of the Goddess within you – the essence of the Divine feminine.
This essence that makes us nurturers, teachers, seers, healers, life – bringers, peace makers, but also warriors. An essence of strength and power.
For too long we have buried our goddess , let her sleep, blissfully unaware that she is needed. We have done this to her because we have forgotten who we truly are.
We have been too busy;
Busy trying to keep the peace in our lives,
Busy trying to be what everyone wants us to be,
Busy trying to please everyone.
Busy putting everyone else’s needs before our own
Not speaking our truth for fear of rejection and repercussions.
Too fearful of standing in our power and light.
When we embrace our goddess, we are truly powerful and can orchestrate major changes, not only in our own lives, but in those around us, and the world as a whole. Say YES to your inner power.
23rd October 2020
10am – 4pm
Missenden Abbey
London Road
Great Missenden
HP16 0BD
We have kept our goddess sleeping for fear of rejection and remembered persecution in past lives, as well as this one. This is the witch wound and every woman carries this. We may not remember, or even be aware of this, but we do.
As healers and seers women have been subjected to ridicule and horrendous deaths as the unbalanced masculine energy surfaced and started to destroy the balance of the divine masculine and feminine.
We can now feel and see the emergence of the divine feminine energy once again, our inner goddess is waking up.
Unleash Your Inner Goddess is a day of connection and celebration.
A day to re-awaken these energies and gifts that you hold deep within yourself
A day of self-discovery and fun
.Early bird £99.99 valid till September 25th
Full price £125.00
“Liz is a remarkable and talented lady, who shares her knowledge, insights and skills in a nurturing and fun way.” AR
Included in the day;
♥ Signature talks by Liz on how to connect to your inner goddess and enable you to stand in your light and power.
♥ A sound bath with gongs and crystal bowls.
♥ Meditations and journeys
♥ Connection through dance and movement
♥ A healthy buffet lunch. Vegetarian and vegan options will be available.
♥ Drinks and nibbles will be available during the day.
All this and more in the beautiful surroundings of Missenden Abbey in Buckinghamshire.
Liz Carabine is a spiritual mentor and healer, who has worked for many years empowering women to live a life of passion and purpose. To help them take back control of their lives, discover their soul’s purpose and heal wounds and disharmonies that have prevented them living a happy and fulfilling life.
As a spiritual business coach, Liz has enabled business owners to align their soul’s purpose with their business, using their gifts and talents to be of service to others.
Liz is also an Angelic Reiki Master Teacher and Atlantean Healing Practitioner and uses these gifts when working with clients to heal wounds and out dated vows from past lives.
**Early bird £99.99 valid till September 25th
Full price £125.00
“Liz is dedicated, compassionate and kind and is committed to sharing her knowledge and experience to help us all lead more fulfilled lives in alignment with our Soul’s purpose. An empowerer of women. “ JR
For millennia our role has been undermined, our natural strengths that balance the masculine have been pushed away.
It is time to free our goddess so we are once again able to return the balance to what is meant to be. The Divine masculine and feminine working in harmony.
FREE to be your natural, authentic goddess self, full of confidence, light and strength.
FREE to speak your truth.
FREE to soar to heights as yet unknown.
FREE to be YOU
Join Liz in unleashing your inner goddess, embracing a life of change, balance, and harmony in alignment with your soul’s pathway. Get clarity, build confidence and welcome a life of passion and purpose.
Early bird £99.99 valid till September 25th
Full price £125.00
“Liz is such a lovely person to know and be guided by. Liz sparkles with her dharma, soul’s purpose” TY
Come and spend a day fully immersed in the essence of the divine feminine in all her glory, by Unleashing Your Inner Goddess